Dorothy Moon, Chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party
Over the past two years, I have had the great honor of serving as Chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party. I am now seeking your support to serve another two-year term in this vital role.
Idaho Republicans face unprecedented challenges, from a weaponized legal system and a corrupt federal government targeting our presidential nominee, to the ranked-choice voting scheme that threatens our constitutionally guaranteed republican form of government. Idaho needs strong and courageous leaders willing to stand up and fight for the principles that make America great.
The Idaho Republican State Convention is taking place next week in Coeur d’Alene, and I am asking the delegates to entrust me with continuing to lead our party as we confront these extraordinary threats to our state and nation.
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For those Republicans not serving as delegates, please convey your support to your respective county and legislative district delegations.
I look forward to seeing you in Coeur d’Alene and continuing the work of leading our party and upholding our platform.
In Liberty,

Dorothy Moon,
Chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party